You have to know, how did they do it? You send a tell. Your mind shattered, your perception of reality flung open to a new possibility playing artificer without turning off game sounds to mute the horrid ticking of the crossbow. Internal server error: You lack the willpower to remove this weapon. You crack open your inventory panel and try to un-equip your crossbow. This can't be true, artificers use crossbows. You didn't even know they were proficient in melee weapons.

In your mind it was a permanent fixture of your character. How is he doing that? Are you even able to remove your crossbow? Truthfully, you had never tried. You examine the robot, but it's a pure artificer.

He must be an artificer/fighter, or an artificer barbarian. The warforged artificer charges ahead of you, sword in hand, and clears a room with a wicked 360 cleave combined with a rune arm blast. 'I don't understand, is he only using the rune arm? I haven't even heard a single crossbow shot' you muse quietly. You thoroughly scan the party, and find the other artificer shoot their rune arm. How is that possible? Nobody else is using a crossbow, the only person making a harsh ticking sound is you. He did the other trap, right? You check the experience screen.

You get about halfway through the quest, but you realize you can't find the artificer. 'If he wants to get the traps, I don't mind saving on tools', you remark. The other artificer was a bit faster than you and got the trap at the first door. You have a pretty good party a wizard, a monkcher, a bard, and another artificer. You jump right in, and head to out to the orc lair. You log into your rogue/artificer and see a gianthold group just forming up. 'I just got the fatal flaw', you think to yourself as you excitedly type in your password. “You get home from work after a long day and log into DDO to do some quick quests.